To: the Archduke Rudolph
Vienna, c. November 30, 1814

Anderson v1 pg476-477 - letter #505

Your Imperial Highness!

       My most profound thanks for your gift – My only regret is that you could not attend the concert – I have the honour to send you herewith the score of the cantata [Opus 136] – Your Imperial Highness may keep it for several days.  Afterwards I will see that it is copied for you as quickly as possible – I am still exhausted by fatiguing affairs, vexations, pleasure and delight, all intermingled and inflicted or bestowed upon me at once.  But I shall have the honour of waiting upon Y.I.H. in a few days – I hope to hear favourable reports of Y.I.H’s health.  How gladly would I sacrifice many whole nights if I could thereby restore your health completely. –

                                   Your Imperial Highness’s
                                                  most obedient and most faithful servant
                                                                                      Ludwig van Beethoven